Compost Tea Treatment
If you just need some extra "Umph" for your yard and garden beds, we can help. We brew fresh compost tea using the compost you help us create!
Benefits of Composted Tea
(aka Liquid Compost)
Improve Soil Health
Compost tea that is brewed fresh contains living active microbes that are important for lawn turf and garden plants. Many of the compost teas available in stores lack live microbes because of improper storage temperatures, lack of oxygen needed to live, and the lack of food for them to grow. Microbes are key to soil health and applying inactive microbes does no service to your soil or plants. When you schedule a treatment with us you will receive freshly brewed compost tea that contains active microbes that will help feed your soil and rebuild the soil microbial health that supports plant growth.
Alternative to Chemical Lawn Care
Chemical fertilizers and pesticides harm your turf, kill soil microbes, and are toxic to kids and pets. Additionally, these chemicals run off into our creeks, rivers, and lakes that cause damage to plants, animals, and humans that rely on these water resources.
Many of the chemical fertilizers and pesticides that are used on turf and plants kill important soil microbes that are vital to plant development. Appling compost tea will introduce microbes back into the soil that will support the decomposition of organic matter such as leaves, and grass cuttings. The microbes that reach the soil will help break down thatch grass patches which prevent air, nutrients, and water from infiltrating into the soil. As the microbes break down the organic matter they release nutrients that feed the soil and promote a healthy living soil that supports plant growth.
Improve Soil Structure and Drainage
Over time lawns build thickening thatch patches from dead grass clippings, dead leaves, dead grass roots, and other organic matter. Lawn thatch is naturally occurring and is good for lawns as long as it is not too thick (less than 1/2"). Thick thatch can eventually deprive the soil of nutrients, water, and air that are vital for soil health. Thatch combined with soil compaction creates a soil environment where grassroots grow shallow roots which allows less access to nutrients that are deep in the soil. This also causes turf grasses to be more suspectable to diseases, and are less tolerant to drought conditions. By applying compost tea in addition to compost topdressing and core aeration, thatch can be kept in check by allowing the microbes in the soil to naturally breakdown down dead organic material. This decomposition distributes nutrients that create healthy soil thus feeding you grass.
Lawn liquid compost treatment includes equipment, labor, and materials used to apply compost tea to your lawn or garden.
Small Yard Treatment​
Covers a 1,000 sq. ft. yard
Includes 2 gallons of tea
Works best when applied with topdressing treatment
$ 60.00 ​
Medium Yard Treatment ​
Covers a 2,000 sq. ft. yard
Includes 4 gallons of tea
Works best when applied with topdressing treatment
$ 100.00 ​
Compost tea treatments are recommended to be applied up to twice a year (spring and fall) when the grass is not dormant and should be combined with lawn topdressing treatment for the best results.
Schedule a free consultation from March through October and we can assess your lawn and recommend the best treatment for your needs.
Members receive a 20% discount for compost tea treatment that includes equipment/labor, and compost tea.
Small Yard Treatment​
Covers a 1,000 sq. ft. yard
Includes 2 gallons of tea
Works best when applied with topdressing treatment
$ 48.00 ​
Medium Yard Treatment ​
Covers a 2,000 sq. ft. yard
Includes 2 gallons of tea
Works best when applied with topdressing treatment
$ 80.00 ​
Compost tea treatments are recommended to be applied up to twice a year (spring and fall) when the grass is not dormant and should be combined with lawn topdressing treatment for the best results.
Schedule a free consultation from March through October and we can assess your lawn and recommend the best treatment for your needs.